An Announcement

Sydney Music Circle expresses its disapproval of the recent actions of a few globally renowned “artistes” in desecrating and plagiarising Carnatic krithis. This perverse development has recently manifested in the substitution of Lord Raama’s name embedded in Sri Thyagaraja Swami’s compositions.

That the divine art of Carnatic music is a precious legacy inherited from our forefathers, forms a foundation of our beliefs and culture.  We owe it to our gurus (and the pantheon of musical luminaries preceding them) to nurture this art and bequeath it uncorrupted to future generations.

There can be absolutely no justification to misappropriate the sacred edifice of Carnatic krithis and impart a different flavour from the composers’ original sentiments, expressed in an exquisite outpouring of devotion, poetry, and knowledge.

In a reflection of community feelings SMC will, in future, not allow its resources to publicise any programmes in which the offending artistes participate.  In taking this stand, we are confident of uncompromising support from our rasikas.